Having had the fortunate luck to have worked on a wide variety of projects, all of which have been focused on delivering improvements in the cost, quality, and performance of care, I am in the privileged position to share some great ways that organisations can make significant improvements in the way they work. One of…
June 2020
Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust – Reference Letter
Through a series of 1:1 sessions and training workshops, the HBT teams developed a systematic way of Forecasting, Planning, Assigning and actively Following up on the levels of clinical activity within the service. This allowed the service to identify their current demand and capacity. By converting the ‘Case Load’ to ‘Work Load,’ the Team Managers…
The need to think outside of the box
As a company currently working with providers to improve the delivery of care – cost, quality, and performance – we see our clients attempting to juggle the avalanche of guidance, recommendations and policies from various professional bodies, unions, and from NHSEI. It sits uncomfortably with us that some have interpreted this information and concluded that,…
A colleague of mine once captured the essence of what do we do in 7 words. “Greater grip at the point of execution”. That is perhaps the perfect way of describing what we do. We help organisations improve their grip over resource, working with people to create the right tools and bring about the right…