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Helping our clients ensure the right resources, in the right place, at the right time...

Delivering results with the frontline

Meridian works with Healthcare Providers achieving significant, sustainable advances in performance whilst simultaneously achieving real savings.

Our service, supporting your management, is patient-focussed; freeing up frontline resources to spend increased quality time with patients, handle increased patient numbers and reduce waiting times, whilst providing exceptional value for money.

Meridian offers a significant return on investment (ROI) on all of our projects and also offer a guarantee to protect our clients from any in-year exposure.


‘They have given us a more transparent, systematic approach to managing the performance of our people by utilising a series of quality reports which has enabled us to ensure that all staff are meeting their Service User contact targets, Service User Expected Discharge Dates and the demand generated from each Service Users’ care plan.’

‘The Service has just had an inspection from the Care Inspectorate who provided us with our best review on record and specifically mentioned the hard work and improvement Meridian have made.’

Waverley Care Edinburgh, Grant Sugden, Chief Executive Officer (Residential and Outreach Services)

‘The service had worked with a management consultancy firm over a number of months. The impact was said to be 'huge' and positive. For example: streamlined work practices and a reduction in meetings meant more time to spend with service users; better planning for admissions and new reporting systems meant better uptake of spaces.’
‘The new staff rota system included a designated shift coordinator who would oversee tasks. Communication systems had improved and provided staff with all the information they needed to work in a safe and efficient way. Staff said they were looking forward to new opportunities, such as regularly facilitating groups.’

Care Inspectorate (following a programme with Waverley Care Edinburgh)

‘Meridian helped us implement the tools as well as the behaviour change during the project. One of the most important achievements of the project was the implementation of a long overdue theatre module.’

Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin, Danny Dunne, Chief Executive Officer (Theatres and Outpatients)

'For the first time the managers and staff in the Bamburgh Clinic have the ability to demonstrate the amount of 'meaningful' activity delivered to patients in a clear and dynamic way.'
'What made the real impact on the service was the staff's ownership and engagement achieved through the 'Meridian' way of working.'

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Gary O'Hare, Executive Director of Nursing and Operations

‘The work has allowed the trust to implement a new slot template for MR and CT resulting in an increased revenue earn of £871,438 annualised as a minimum with an increased appointment slot capacity based on a 10% unable to scan rate inclusive.’

‘Our Trust will successfully increase our revenue potential, which will directly contribute to our CIP savings, whilst maintaining the quality of patient care delivered. The enthusiasm and drive demonstrated by Meridian staff throughout the process enabled the project to run with vigour and pace from beginning to end.’

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Anthony Bennett, Divisional Head of Operations – Clinical Services (Radiology)

‘The project has generated £589,480 in increased revenue over the project’s 14 week duration. We have already generated a 3:1 return on investment in the life of the project and the total annualised increase in revenue has been measured at £6,593,531, should the improved performance be sustained.’

Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Simon Morritt, Chief Executive Officer (Outpatients and Theatres)

‘The Meridian team were very well received and engaged the staff from project start to end which enabled us to achieve £321,729 savings in Imaging, £302,423 savings in Outpatients and £232,975 savings in Theatres.’

‘Meridian were able to work collaboratively to focus their time and efforts on the areas pin-pointed not only by themselves and other external bodies such as the model hospital, but also by the areas of need described by Chesterfield staff.’

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Tony Campbell, Chief  Operating Officer (Outpatients, Theatres and Imaging)



Meridian Productivity Limited
36 Atholl Crescent Lane, Edinburgh, EH3 8ET

Registered Office
Daws House, 33-35 Daws Lane, London NW7 4SD

Tel: 0131 625 8500