In 2014, I was a fresh graduate, bursting with passion. And a burning desire to find a job! It wasn’t too long after I graduated that I found myself working for Meridian as a Productivity Specialist. Whilst you read a lot about the company prior to an interview, being on the ground and actually working for the company…
May 2020
Selling the change
For some, change is hard. When they have been doing something for years, trying something different can feel like it’s threatening their very existence. And who can blame them? Things seem to work. They have got this far without deviating from what they’re trying to achieve. They like how things are. They’re comfortable. So why bother? I…
Integration or bust
More money or a new model of care is not always the solution to everything. Over the past 20 years community nursing has been through a huge amount of change. But as our historic PCTs potentially move into PCNs, there is a sense of having been here before with primary and community care being brought…
Various NHS organisations are grappling with the effects of Covid-19, from trying to find extra capacity in advance of a potential second wave, to trying to restart elective care in a way that is safe and sustainable, to ensuring community teams are well equipped for an increased number of patients requiring treatment at home who…