A colleague of mine once captured the essence of what do we do in 7 words.
“Greater grip at the point of execution”.
That is perhaps the perfect way of describing what we do. We help organisations improve their grip over resource, working with people to create the right tools and bring about the right behaviour change to ensure that at the point an action is about to be taken, whether it’s the allocation of work or the decision to use bank and agency, managers ensure decisions are informed by robust data.
From measuring historic levels of demand to ensuring that the durations of time allocated to each activity are agreed based on reliable data, to allocating work in line with expectations, to following up on performance systematically and regularly, what we do is all about increasing grip.
This is nothing new; but, at the heart and soul of our company is the ability to deliver the required changes at pace WITH the frontline in a way that is sustainable and collaborative.
We don’t write reports and walk away. We implement, and we do this every single day. This is through regular workshops and coaching where we work with frontline management to create the right controls, informed by almost 25 years’ worth of experience working in healthcare to help organisations reduce the cost of care whilst improving quality levels.
In many cases, we metaphorically hold the megaphone for staff working at the frontline and empower them to make the required changes, in line with basic productivity principles and guidance. We empower those who live and breathe the work which makes our NHS so great, and give them the chance to design their own ways of working that are best placed to deal with many of the issues facing the NHS today.